Titanium Recorder Password Reset Guide - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To

Titanium Recorder Password Reset Guide


***Make sure that the system is logged out before trying to do a ***

Click on the icon on the lower left hand corner of the screen. Select “Login”


Once on the login screen, click on “Retrieve Password”


You may answer your security question to unlock the .
Otherwise, Click on “Dynamic Password”


Please have a person at the provide all the information within the Dynamic Password page. Every piece of information has to be identical (Capital letters for , colons, spaces, etc.) Once this information is provided to a technician, they will provide a code to enter on the last line. The code provided from the technician is a mix of numbers and all capital letters.


After entering this information, the system will prompt that the password recovery was successful and the password to “123456” or allow you to enter a new one.


Password Resetting, defaulting a IPC using IP Tool


Open up the IP tool, make sure that the computer is connected to the same as the camera.

Select the camera and find the MAC address. Enter the MAC address in the password reset area. After entering it and clicking OK, you will have 30 seconds to power down that camera. Once power cycled, the camera will be back to default .

About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..

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