Dahua NVR Troubleshoot All Series - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
FAQ Guide How To NVR Troubleshooting

Dahua NVR Troubleshoot All Series

create and install a certificate

When I login via HTTPS, a dialogue says the certificate for this website is for other address

You will need to re-issue a certificate with the correct address, and then get the certificate authenticated.

• Follow (Steps 1-5)


When I login via HTTPS, a dialogue says the certificate is not trusted

You will then need to download the certificate and install it on your client side.

• Follow (Steps 1-4 and 6-11)

When I login via HTTPS, a dialogue says the certificate has expired or is not valid yet

• Please make sure your PC time is the same as the device time.
• Follow (Steps 1-4 and 6-11)
• Re open the browser and login again.


Step by Step Instructions

1. Log into your NVR via the Browser.


2. Select Setting


3. Select


4. Select HTTPS on the left hand column under Network. Then select “Create Server Certificate”, and populate your
server Certificate with your country code, state, location (city), the name of your organization or business, the name of the department, and the IP or domain name you wish to operate under. The information here will be used to create the SSL certificate to be authorized.


5. Now Select “download Root Certificate”, and click open when the prompt pops up on your


6. Click Install Certificate


7. Now click next


8. Now click next, unless there is a directory that you want to store the certificate in on your client computer


9.Now Click finish


10. There should be a prompt saying “The import was successful”


11. After the certificate is installed go to your HTTPS page and there should be a security promp, click “Yes”.


12. Pay attention to the HTTPS port number when setting up for your host
server (your NVR)


Failed to Open Video! You Have No Right To Operate!




• Admin access to the recorder
• Access to the recorder directly or remotely



Step by Step Instructions

1. Log into with an administrator account.

2. Go into the Accounts menu on your system and edit the specific profile you are having the error with.

3. Under the tab enable the camera channel with the error and click save.



4. Log into the modified account, and view the camera channel with the error.

Internet Explorer Troubleshoot-“Signature is Corrupt or Invalid”


If you see this warning (see the image below) when trying to download a plugin for a recorder or , this is your antivirus trying to block a our unsigned (i.e. WHQL) plugin. Installing this plugin will allow the camera’s feed to stream in IE.



• PC with Internet Explorer installed
• Connection to remote camera or recorder

Step by Step Instructions

1. Clear your WebRec Folder by navigating to the program files/webrec folder and also program files(x86)/webrec folder and double clicking the uninstall icon to uninstall the plugin.


2. Once uninstalled open Internet Explorer and enter the of your device into the URL area of the browser and hit enter. Log into the camera, or once prompted to download the plugin select the pull down menu button next to “Save”, now select “Save As”.


3. Navigate to your desktop so you can save the program and find it easily.


4. Now right click the program and select “Run as administrator” to install. You might need to reload the IE
browser webpage once the plug-in or program has installed to get the video stream to work.



About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..

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