Add Onvif Ipcam Dahua Device - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To

Add Onvif Ipcam Dahua Device

This article will show you three different methods to add a device to our New GUI recorders. We will be adding a dahua with all three methods.

Step by Step

Method 1:

This first method is extremely simple if all the cameras are still set to default credentials and . We will do a on the and add them with a click of a button

  • First go to Camera>Registration


  • Click on “Device Search”, it will scan the network and pick up any cameras on it


  • Check the box of the camera you are adding and click on “ADD” and you will see the camera populate on the bottom box


  • Give it a few seconds and click on refresh to see if it was added properly. As you can see the status light is now green


Method Two:

The second method is used if there’s an existing camera and it’s password was changed. You will use device search to locate the camera and then go to manual add to change the password it’s being added with

  • Do a Device Search to locate the camera. Check the camera and click on “Manual Add”


  • A popup window will come up and most of the information will be populated. You will just need to change the password, click on save when you’re done.


  • The camera will now be added


Method Three:

This last method is used when Device Search fails and cannot locate the camera on the network. You will need to type in the camera’s information manually.

  • Click on Manual Add


  • Input all the required information


  • After manually inputting the information click on “Save”


  • If the information was correct then the camera will be successfully added and have a green status light


About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..

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