Add device to DSS Express V8 - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To Software

Add device to DSS Express V8


This will show add device to DSS Express .


  • Server and Client
  • Dahua Device connected to the network

Step by Step

1.Login to DSS Express Client and then go to menu.

DSS Express V8 Home Configuration.jpg

2. Click on Device.

DSS Express V8 Home Device.jpg

4. Click on Add.

DSS Express V8 Device Add.jpg

5. Select the adding mode and then enter device information. In this example, we are using mode. For P2P and Auto-register, it must be first from recorder or . Click Add.

DSS Express V8 Device Add Info.jpg

5. Enter Device Name and select Device Type. Click OK.

DSS Express V8 Device Add Info 2.jpg

6. Your device is now added to DSS.

DSS Express V8 Device Added.jpg

Tips: In the event that your device added but can’t see any cameras added to the software, please follow this following steps.

1. Click on the Edit button on your device.

DSS Express V8 Device Edit.jpg

2. Go to Video Channels. And then click on Get Info.

DSS Express V8 Device Get Info.jpg

3. The software will refresh the connection to the device and retrieve the camera channels that added to recorder. Once populated, click OK.

DSS Express V8 Device Video Channel.jpg

About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..


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