Add Dahua and 3rd Party IP Camera to NVR - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To

Add Dahua and 3rd Party IP Camera to NVR

Add Dahua to


Adding IP on NVR enables you to view the camera through the NVR remotely.


Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. From the Main Menu Select Camera


2. Select Remote âžž Select Device Search


You can also get to this selection by right clicking on any view which will show a sub menu for remote device search.


3. Check mark cameras to be added âžž Select add.


You can also manual add cameras by selecting manual add


Input IP address of IP Camera, user name and password. user name and password is admin.


Depending on the model recorder you can also do a smart search from the main sub menu.



Add 3rd Party IP Camera to NVR


Follow the instructions below to connect a compatible IP camera with a Dahua NVR


  • 3rd Party Capable IP Camera.
  • IP address of 3rd Party Camera.
  • Ports used by 3rd Party Camera
  • User Name and Password to 3rd Party Camera

Note: When you are using third party cameras you might have the full features, like motion detect.

Video Instructions

Step by Step Instructions

1. From the Main Menu Select Camera.


2. Select Manual add.


3. You can select the brand of the third party camera or ONVIF. If brand is not listed, you will need to set the IP camera to the ONVIF protocol from the camera itself if it is available as an option.


4. Enter the IP address of the 3rd party camera.

Third party1.png

5. Default ports are port 554 and Port 80. It is possible the third party camera are on different ports than what is showing on the Dahua recorder. You will need to login into the third party camera and check which ports they are on as each device needs to be on the same ports. Enter User Name and Password of 3rd Party Camera and select OK to save.

Third party3.png

About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..


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