How to Configure Optical Fingerprint Recorder - NVR IPCAMERA SECURITY
Guide How To

How to Configure Optical Fingerprint Recorder

Preparation 84.html

And in this document, we use V2.7.0.6 iVMS-4200 Client;

Step 1:

Connect the optical fingerprint recorder to computer directly via USB port, it will install driver


Step 2:

Run iVMS-4200 Client, enter Access Control interface;

Add Organization and Person first;




Optical Fingerprint Recorder

Access Control Device


Step 3:

On Add Person interface, enter Fingerprint interface, select Local Collection Collection Mode, and click Set Fingerprint Machine;


Step 4:

On Fingerprint Machine interface, please select correct device type and click Save;


Step 5:

Add fingerprints, select your finger and click Start;

And put your finger on scanner;



The touch area between finger and sensor decides the information content of the collected fingerprint. The more information the device sensed, the higher of the pass rate. Thumb, forefinger, middle finger are suggested to use in order to improve fingerprint identification rate.

Correct Scanning: the figure displayed below is the correct way to scan your finger:


You should press your finger on the scanner horizontally. The center of your scanned finger should align with the scanner center

Step 6:

Adding fingerprints succeeded, you can also obtain fingerprint quality as following picture;

Click Stop to finish adding fingerprints;

And click OK to save person information;

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Date ot Bmn     2018-02-02

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tıp: Please cottod fingerprirrl dala on fincerprint scanner

Cottedon Uode:     • Local Colledıon     Remote Cottedion

SetFmgerpnnlMa          Start



Note Çilek Start to start colledıng ttıe «ngerpnnt

OK        cancaı OK        Cancel

Step 8:

Click OK to save your ;

The person information as following picture shows;

Step 9:

You can also click Modify to enter Edit Person interface, and back to Step 3;

About the author


Hello, I live in Salih Turkey. I serve in dvr, nvr, security and surveillance industry. Write to me for any comments and suggestions ..


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